the animal holocaust
“From a young age we are taught to love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows. There is no moral difference between these species, the only difference is your perception. They are all sentient, individuals who have the desire to live just like we do.”
Animals are forcibly bred into existence (humans rape and artificially inseminate animals) and enslaved for their flesh and secretions. There are many standard legal industry practices that make the meat industry extremely violent and cruel. The act of taking their life is murder, whether it is for food or not - it is blatant murder.
It is unnecessary to eat animals, therefore the act of taking their lives for food is immoral. The meat industry has led the public to believe that animals are “humanely slaughtered”. However, there is no way to humanely slaughter an animal. Humane means to show compassion and slaughter is an act of killing. Regardless, the act of murdering someone is clearly immoral and all animals are sentient beings who want to live and will fight for their life.
Slaughtering methods are also horrific as a majority of pigs are forced into a gas chamber at six months old, chickens are electrocuted in water at several weeks of age, cows are bolt gunned in the head at eighteen months old and sheep are murdered often less than a year old.
The dairy industry enslaves and rapes cows to use their breastmilk in dairy products. It is standard legal practice to rape and forcibly impregnate dairy cows to make them pregnant to produce milk. This involves the farmer shoving their fist into her anus to position her cervix and putting a metal rod into her vagina to forcibly inseminate her. The semen came from a bull who was also raped via electro-ejaculation to collect his semen.
Once she gives birth (after a nine month pregnancy), her babies are kidnapped from her. She will mourn for her babies, as cows are maternal individuals who form close bonds with their children. The reason for their separation is so that her breastmilk can be sold for human consumption.
Male calves in the dairy industry have no commercial value since they do not produce milk, and are therefore often sent to be murdered just days to weeks old (sometimes shot or sledgehammered to death by the farmer after birth). Their bodies may be used for “veal” and “leather” products.
Egg laying hens are enslaved and used as commodities and machines. Hens are subjected to many cruel industry practices, such as de-beaking to stop them from pecking one another as they are suppressed from their natural instincts and become frustrated.
Since male chickens do not lay eggs, they have no commercial value to the egg industry. This means that male chicks are gassed or macerated alive on their first day of life. Twelve million male chicks are murdered in the Australian egg industry each year.
Hens are murdered years short of their natural lifespan. They naturally live to about ten years old, but egg layer hens (including “free range”) in Australia are sent to murderhouses at 18 months old.
Approximately 2.7 trillion fish are ripped from the ocean each year in massive trawler nets where they suffocate to death. 34% of these fish are used to feed the animals that people eat (cows, pigs and chickens). When you consume fish, you are also responsible for the death of other marine animals. Fishing vessels kill 650,000 whales, dolphins and seals per year.
Despite popular belief, fish feel pain similarly to humans. They are sentient and intelligent individuals who have memory and cognitive abilities that in fact exceed those of ‘higher’ vertebrates.
Fishing is one of the largest causes of ocean plastic pollution, with 46 per cent of ocean plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch being fishing nets alone. The remaining is primarily from discarded fishing gear, all of which is responsible for the death of marine animals.
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